Thursday, September 4, 2008

Boombox Generation

Today it was decided that our rather modest, humble group expand. We've been all over the globe searching for a replacement since Misio's departure from the game. There has been an undervalued, hidden gem bubbling in the Great North. We poked him and now he's ready to burst. His name is Andrew Newman and he's clearly better than all of you. His accolades speak for themselves. I'll let you all go to the HTGMDB to discover them. I want to speak about his character.

This kid has more untapped potential in one pinky than most of you peasants have in your entire bodies. He's been a slave to you "big guns" for way too long. Shit, his award winning picture, THE PROJECTIONIST, was released by a studio that is the primary home of a glorified video game wrestling diary. We feel that with proper motivation and surrounded by a group of peers that legitimately care about creative writing he will not only be able to win numerous Best Producer Awards, but he will also have a lengthy and profitable career in real life.

If we're all talk, how come all the best players here want to join so badly? Meditate on that.



News From The Wasteland


Crooked Little Vein has been picked up by Miracle Pictures. It is scheduled, as always, for a September 26th release, starring John Cusack and Camilla Belle. A poster will be forthcoming shortly.


Power Doesn't Run on Nothing


Bishop and I just finished a phone conversation about the future of Checkmate Pictures and Roman Candle Features.

A deal was made for me to pay out the 300 million dollar loan he received to open the gates. From there, Roman Candle will become Checkmate's Arthouse Studio for the more outside the box movies. Bishop and I will run this without the help of any deadweight that currently resides in the company. She will be able to take her vapid creative work and mindless scripts elsewhere.

This decision stems from a powertrip she is recently having due to the fact that she probably hates her real life and isn't satisfied in the bedroom. It's unfortunate really that she won't fucking go away.

In other news, my good buddy Mike "Tyler" Durden will be moving his fall adaptation CROOKED LITTLE VEIN to any studio interested, after becoming tired of putting up with the shady direction Checkmate currently is operated under.

More news later.



Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Returning To The Fold

Hey everyone! It's great to be back! I've missed all of you for so long, you guys are great. I always said that HTG had the greatest people in the world.

My new film is coming out n November and it is called Yesterdays. It will star Emile Hirsch and be directed by Steve Conrad. It is a time traveling romance/drama/comedy. With the Slacker Mafia pretty much holding the top 20 reviewed films of all time hostage, I hope to add another to that great list.

I noticed our first posting was noticed by old Film Mogul alum and producer of Trackers 2, (starring Vin Diesel) Suicidal Honkey. With five years since his last release he believes our two years of not being nominated for awards (because we didn't release anything) means we are as washed up as a 1980's Corey in Hollywood.

You see Suicidal Jake, we didn't come back to give great reviews to E-FED Pay Per Views. We came back to churn out quality product and have some fun. Seeing as your your name has Suicide in it, I'd stay away from us. We could probably convince you to kill yourself if we wanted to.


Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The Unicorn Never Had A Chance

Dead HTG Land,

As founder and unofficial leader of The Slacker Mafia, I have been asked to kick things off. Welcome to our world. It is here you will be able to keep up on our everyday life. It will also be the only place you will be able to find Slacker Mafia Posters, Trailers, Casting News, and movie projects on the way.

We are officially back to save HTG from what we've observed it become. You're a joke without us. An E-Fed? A Never Dump a Vengeful Alcoholic sequel? Three Hour Video Game Adaptations? Mac releasing movies? I can't believe Bishop and I defended this place when The Crybabies came back to outsmart you.

Marlowe, Broderick, Newman, and MC can only write so many scripts to bail the rest of you hacks out. What happened to the rest of you? Teufel? Cassy? Lucian? You're parodies of your former selves. It's embarrassing. I can fall asleep on my keyboard and wake up with something more creative on my Final Draft than the trite work you all churn out.

